Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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DateAward WinnerAward

Award WM. Sc. Marthe Wellner

Posterpreis BIWIC 2017
11/4/2015M. Sc. Martha Wellner

Transferpreis in the category „Anwendungsorientierte Abschlussarbeiten“ from MLU, City of Halle and Stadtwerke Halle
10/2/2015M. Sc. Thi Nhat Phuong Nguyen M. Sc. ThiNhat Phuong Nguyen accepting the DAAD Award

M. Sc. ThiNhat Phuong Nguyen accepting the DAAD Award

DAAD Award
9/10/ 2015Dipl.-Ing. Felix Eisenbart Dipl.-Ing. Felix Eisenbart and his Poster on BIWIC22, Daejeon 2015

Dipl.-Ing. Felix Eisenbart and his Poster on BIWIC22, Daejeon 2015

Poster Award BIWIC22, Daejeon
8/15/ 2015M. Sc. Thi Nhat Phuong Nguyen

Price for excellent Vietnamese youths and students in years 2014-2015, organized by Vietnamese embassy in Germany


DateAward WM. Sc. Marthe WellnerAward
10/28/2014Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Joachim Ulrich transHAL Award 2014

transHAL Award 2014

transHAL 2014

transHAL 2014

transHAL 2014 transfer award. The city Halle and the Martin Luther University acknowledge outstanding accomplishments for transfer of research findings into economic application.
06/17-20/ 2014M.Sc. Kyeong-Sill Lee M.Sc. Kyeong-Sill Lee with her poster at ACTS (Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium) Nara, Japan

M.Sc. Kyeong-Sill Lee with her poster at ACTS (Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium) Nara, Japan

Poster Prize of ACTS (Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium) Nara, Japan
2014Ph.D. Isabell Stolte Dr.-Ing. Isabell Stolte after receiving the SKW-Piesteritz Award

Dr.-Ing. Isabell Stolte after receiving the SKW-Piesteritz Award

SKW Research Award 2014 founded by SKW Stickstoffwerke Pieseritz


DateAward WinnerAward
2012Dr.-Ing. Christiane Schmidt PhD students and postdoctoral students of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) received on Friday, July 6th 2012, at 3 p.m. in a ceremony their certificates.

PhD students and postdoctoral students of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) received on Friday, July 6th 2012, at 3 p.m. in a ceremony their certificates.

PhD students and postdoctoral students of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) received on Friday, July 6th 2012, at 3 p.m. in a ceremony their certificates.

PhD students and postdoctoral students of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) received on Friday, July 6th 2012, at 3 p.m. in a ceremony their certificates.

SKW-Research Award 2012, donated by SKW Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz GmbH, for the dissertation „Predicting the Crystal Morphology Grown from Aqueous Solution“
06/21/2012M.Sc. Thi Nhat Phuong Nguyen in collaboration with Dipl. Phys. Kristin Wendt und Dr.-Ing. Sandra PetersenAudience Award of the Scidea design competition 2012
03/06/2012Dipl.-Ing. Anika WachsmuthPoster Award from the Expert Crystallization Panel
2012Jörg Heinrich, Joachim Ulrich Jörg Heinrich and Joachim Ulrich at PowTech in Tokyo

Jörg Heinrich and Joachim Ulrich at PowTech in Tokyo

Award for Best Paper Published in Advanced Powder Technology, 2012


DateAward WinnerAward
07/20/2011Dr.-Ing. Patrick Frohberg, Dipl.-Ing. Isabell StolteAusgewählter Ort im Land der Ideen 2011 unter der Schirmherrschaft des Bundespräsidenten
07/01/2011Dr.-Ing. Patrick FrohbergEFCE Excellence Award in Product Design and Engineering 2011, European Federation of Chemical Engineering
07/01/2011Dr.-Ing. Robert BuchfinkSKW Award 2011


DateAward WinnerAward
07/02/2010Dr.-Ing. Patrick FrohbergSKW Award 2010
04/22/2010Dr.-Ing. Patrick Frohberg, Dipl.-Ing. Isabell StolteSpecial Price of Scidea Idea Competition 2010
2010Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Christiane SchmidtResearch grant by Max Buchner


DateAward winnerAward
10/15/2009Dipl.-Ing. Isabell StolteMartin Luckner Award
07/03/2009Dr.-Ing. Severine S. DetteDorothea Erxleben Award
07/03/2009Dr.-Ing. Torsten StelzerSKW Award 2009
