Date | Award Winner | Award |
31/8/2017 |
Award WM. Sc. Marthe Wellner
| Posterpreis BIWIC 2017 |
11/4/2015 | M. Sc. Martha Wellner
| Transferpreis in the category „Anwendungsorientierte Abschlussarbeiten“ from MLU, City of Halle and Stadtwerke Halle |
10/2/2015 | M. Sc. Thi Nhat Phuong Nguyen
M. Sc. ThiNhat Phuong Nguyen accepting the DAAD Award
| DAAD Award |
9/10/ 2015 | Dipl.-Ing. Felix Eisenbart
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Eisenbart and his Poster on BIWIC22, Daejeon 2015
| Poster Award BIWIC22, Daejeon |
8/15/ 2015 | M. Sc. Thi Nhat Phuong Nguyen
| Price for excellent Vietnamese youths and students in years 2014-2015, organized by Vietnamese embassy in Germany |
Date | Award Winner | Award |
2012 | Dr.-Ing. Christiane Schmidt
PhD students and postdoctoral students of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) received on Friday, July 6th 2012, at 3 p.m. in a ceremony their certificates.
PhD students and postdoctoral students of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) received on Friday, July 6th 2012, at 3 p.m. in a ceremony their certificates.
| SKW-Research Award 2012, donated by SKW Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz GmbH, for the dissertation „Predicting the Crystal Morphology Grown from Aqueous Solution“ |
06/21/2012 | M.Sc. Thi Nhat Phuong Nguyen in collaboration with Dipl. Phys. Kristin Wendt und Dr.-Ing. Sandra Petersen | Audience Award of the Scidea design competition 2012 |
03/06/2012 | Dipl.-Ing. Anika Wachsmuth | Poster Award from the Expert Crystallization Panel |
2012 | Jörg Heinrich, Joachim Ulrich
Jörg Heinrich and Joachim Ulrich at PowTech in Tokyo
| Award for Best Paper Published in Advanced Powder Technology, 2012 |
Date | Award Winner | Award |
07/20/2011 | Dr.-Ing. Patrick Frohberg, Dipl.-Ing. Isabell Stolte | Ausgewählter Ort im Land der Ideen 2011 unter der Schirmherrschaft des Bundespräsidenten |
07/01/2011 | Dr.-Ing. Patrick Frohberg | EFCE Excellence Award in Product Design and Engineering 2011, European Federation of Chemical Engineering |
07/01/2011 | Dr.-Ing. Robert Buchfink | SKW Award 2011 |
Date | Award Winner | Award |
07/02/2010 | Dr.-Ing. Patrick Frohberg | SKW Award 2010 |
04/22/2010 | Dr.-Ing. Patrick Frohberg, Dipl.-Ing. Isabell Stolte | Special Price of Scidea Idea Competition 2010 |
2010 | Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Christiane Schmidt | Research grant by Max Buchner |
Date | Award winner | Award |
10/15/2009 | Dipl.-Ing. Isabell Stolte | Martin Luckner Award |
07/03/2009 | Dr.-Ing. Severine S. Dette | Dorothea Erxleben Award |
07/03/2009 | Dr.-Ing. Torsten Stelzer | SKW Award 2009 |
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